My Articles
It’s time to act to prevent the Brexit catastrophe Scotland faces due to this Tory government
People are fed up with Brexit, fed up with this shambolic Tory Government and the crisis and chaos that it has imposed on us against our will.
Brexit must be stopped – we have to put it back to the people
Scotland’s wishes have been ignored throughout the Brexit process – which has proven that we are not treated as an equal partner in the UK. The people of Scotland deserve the right to choose their own future and they will have that right even if Westminster fails.
Scotland’s future must not be dictated by Tory and DUP Brexiteers
The DUP and the Tory Brexit extremists have been given more influence over Scotland’s future than the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish people.
Scotland must decide its own future and not accept this botched Tory Brexit
Scotland does not have to hit the Tory Brexit iceberg and go down with Theresa May’s sinking ship.
Scotland’s right to choose its own future is undeniable – it’s time for the Tories to stop running scared and accept it.
Toxic Tory immigration policy drags Scotland down and leaves us poorer
Tories have a toxic anti-immigration obsession, which ignores Scotland’s interests and will leave all of us poorer. And while Labour too often falls in line with the Tories and UKIP, we’re proud to have a radically different and welcoming approach to immigration.
Westminster is broken beyond repair
Scotland hasn’t voted for a Tory government for 64 years, but is increasingly damaged by reckless and incompetent decisions at Westminster.
Independence can be our escape route from this meltdown.
If Labour backs Theresa May’s Brexit deal, it will be a betrayal of Scotland
If Labour choose to be the midwives of Brexit, they’d be betraying the interests of Scotland, enabling a hard-right Tory agenda, and will be culpable for every job that’s lost as a result.
Theresa May hasn’t learned anything from her humiliating Brexit defeat
The Tories keep thinking they can do whatever they want to Scotland and get away with it.
Theresa May must finally stop placating the hard-right Brexiteers, start listening, and face reality.
Theresa May is still not listening as she drags Scotland off Brexit cliff
If she genuinely meant to listen, Theresa May should have been reaching out across the nations of the UK.
Instead of scrapping her ridiculous red lines, she keeps on living in fantasy land.
Scotland can’t be in the passenger seat if UK is driven off Brexit cliff edge
Westminster carries on riding roughshod over Scottish interests.
Scotland cannot be towed along in the Tories’ Brexit mess, and the decision over the EU withdrawal needs to go back to the people.
Remembering the Iolaire
One hundred years on from the tragic HMY Iolaire disaster, we remember all those perished, and the devastating impact on their communities and families.
We need a united front against Theresa May’s chaotic government
By working together with other opposition parties, we’re hoping to bring this weak and unstable Tory government down and offer a way out of the deadlock.
Scotland united in rejecting Theresa May’s Brexit deal
Chaos and crisis continue in Westminster as the Tory Party divisions deepen and Theresa May struggles with yet another UK Government minister resigning in protest at her damaging Brexit deal.
If Northern Ireland can get a special Brexit deal, so must Scotland
Chaos and crisis have ensued in Westminster with the Tory Party at civil war and the Prime Minister hanging on to office by a thread.
Tories must not use Westminster tactics to prevent proper vote on Brexit deal
The SNP’s Westminster Group Leader Ian Blackford has joined with other opposition party leaders to demand that UK government allow for a real and unimpeded vote on the final Brexit deal.
The prime minister has a choice: the narrow interests of her party or the best interests of these isles
The Brexit clock is ticking down but at this critical point the Tories, unbelievably, are too busy tearing themselves apart to consider the future for ordinary people.
We will continue to stand up for Scotland and the Scottish Parliament
Yesterday, I was doing my job – standing up for Scotland in Westminster. History will remember this as a defining moment when the UK Parliament chose to reject devolution.
SNP Westminster Group Leader Ian Blackford’s address to SNP conference
Read Ian Blackford MP’s speech to SNP conference in full.
Ian Blackford: time is running out to prevent an extreme Brexit that risks jobs
In Scotland alone we stand to lose 80,000 jobs and £2,000 per head under a Tory hard Brexit – a huge blow to the Scottish economy.
Letter to Jeremy Corbyn: Get Behind Efforts to Protect Jobs, Incomes, and Workers’ Rights
Never before has the UK faced such a serious economic catastrophe, created and pursued by the current Prime Minister.
Ian Blackford MP’s response to the 2017 UK budget
Read SNP Westminster Leader Ian Blackford MP’s response to the Chancellor’s 2017 budget in full.
Letter to Jeremy Corbyn: Why is Labour supporting the Tories on Brexit?
Last night the Labour Party abstained on a crucial vote aimed at protecting the UK’s place in the customs union.
Ian Blackford MP’s speech to SNP conference
Read SNP Westminster Leader, Ian Blackford MP’s speech to the SNP 2017 conference.