My Articles
What a ‘no deal’ Brexit will mean
It’s clear the UK government has failed to prepare properly for Brexit negotiations. That means the UK could crash out the EU with no deal at all. Here’s how a ‘no deal’ scenario would be a disaster for Scotland and the UK as a whole.
Nicola Sturgeon’s conference speech: what you need to know
Nicola Sturgeon has delivered her 2017 conference speech. It’s a speech that sets out the next steps in delivering our progressive vision for the future – a vision that puts Scotland in the driving seat of change.
SNP conference 2017: what you need to know
Tomorrow delegates will gather in Glasgow for 83rd annual National Conference. Over three days, the conference will set out the progress made by the SNP in government and our ambitious plans for Scotland.
The Tory policies Ruth Davidson won’t talk about
Ruth Davidson will today make a speech to the Tory party conference but you’re unlikely to hear mention of these policies.
We back Dundee and Paisley’s culture city bids
Today Paisley’s MSP George Adam will lead a debate in the Scottish Parliament backing the Paisley 2021 UK City of Culture bid and Dundee’s bid for the 2023 European Capital of Culture.
Jeremy Corbyn’s speech: what he missed out
Jeremy Corbyn has closed the Labour conference in Brighton but there are some lines that didn’t make the cut. Here’s what’s missing from the Labour Leader’s speech.
5 ways Scotland is moving forward
New figures out today show that since the SNP came to office in 2007, Scotland has moved forward.
Today, more people are in work than ever before, our communities are safer than they’ve been for decades and more young people are going to university.
Delivering our plan for Scotland
It has been less than a month since Nicola Sturgeon announced the SNP Scottish Government’s plans for the next year but a lot has already been achieved in that short time.
Here’s how we’re delivering on our plan for Scotland.
Our plan for Scotland: equality and human rights for all
How the SNP’s new Programme for Government will deliver equality and human rights for all
Our plan for Scotland: supporting businesses
We want Scotland to be the best place in the world to do business and our Programme for Government sets out the further steps we will take to achieve this.
The Tory power grab risks 111 Scottish Parliament powers
The EU Withdrawal Bill appears to represent a deliberate decision by the Conservatives to use Brexit as cover for a naked power grab.
EU Withdrawal Bill: what happens now?
The EU (Withdrawal) Bill, the ‘Repeal Bill’, has now passed its latest Parliamentary hurdle at Westminster – here’s everything you need to know.
Our plan for Scotland: global leadership on the environment and climate change
Here are just five things we’ll do to protect our environment and tackle climate change.
Our plan for Scotland: a new deal for families
Nicola Sturgeon has announced the Scottish Government’s plans for the year ahead. The Programme for Government sets out how we will support families across Scotland, giving every child the best start in life and supporting those who look after loved ones.
The SNP’s new programme for government: what you need to know
Here’s what’s in the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government for 2017-18.
Labour should commit to retaining Single Market membership permanently
Let’s be clear, whatever Labour’s latest contortions, they are still committed to pulling us out of the world’s biggest free trade area.
The SNP is set to deliver 250 km of new roads
By Spring next year 250 km of new roads will have been delivered by the SNP Scottish Government over 10 years – the result of £2.81 billion of investment.
SNP and Labour policies compared
Here’s a handy guide of where we stand – and where Labour stands – on key issues.
GERS figures explained
Today the Scottish Government published Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland – or ‘GERS’ for short – for the year 2017-18.
GERS: a snapshot of Scotland’s finances – not the full picture
Tomorrow sees the publication of the annual Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) figures for the most recent financial year.