My Articles
The Tories are attacking devolution – yet again
What is the point of the Scottish Conservatives? Time and again, they have shown themselves to be utterly incapable of standing up for Scotland and our national interests.
Theresa May couldn’t deliver a pizza, never mind Brexit
Prime Minister’s Questions is that moment every week when Theresa May looks increasingly like someone caught in the headlights. Four of my colleagues added to her misery last week.
It’s time to take firm action and stop ticket touts ripping off music fans
If you want to see your favourite band – get on the internet, book it and pay for it. But anyone who has tried to book tickets recently will know that is not always how it happens.
Tories treatment of the Windrush generation is a disgrace
The Tories’ treatment of the Windrush generation is a disgrace.
Bombing action led by Trump’s tweets risks making the Syrian humanitarian crisis worse
Back in 2015, David Cameron brought forward a debate on military action against ISIS in Syria, following the abhorrent terrorist attacks in Paris.
Gender wage gap figures make for shocking reading as women must wait two more centuries for equality
All companies, charities and public sector bodies with more than 250 employees were required to publish the difference in the hourly rate paid to men and women last week.
Tories think they can do anything they want with Scotland and get away with it
During Whitehall meeting last week, a senior Home Office official said: “We look upon Scotland as the ultimate laboratory.” It’s absolutely gob-smacking.
‘Diversity training’ is not enough to combat racial hatred
From the events of the past few weeks, you would be forgiven for thinking that Scottish Labour’s solution to any problem is “diversity training”.
The Tories are letting young people down but the SNP will continue to lead the way
Last week marked a decade since the SNP government scrapped university tuition fees in Scotland.
Labour’s backing for a job-destroying Brexit deal is unforgivable
Mhairi Black MP: Their position on Brexit is a shambles. They are aiding and abetting right-wing Tory plans for an extreme Brexit which will do huge damage to the Scottish economy, jobs and living standards.
Gender equality still has a long way to go
Tomorrow marks 100 years since Parliament passed a law which allowed women, and all men, to vote for the first time.
Scotland has made great steps in LGBT issues but it’s time to speak up for transgender equality
This week marks the start of LGBT History Month.
Theresa May should sack Tory MP Ben Bradley over his shameful blog posts
Ben Bradley, the newly appointed Tory vice-chairman, found himself in a spot of bother this past week as a series of right-wing blog posts he had written before becoming a MP resurfaced.
Time is running out to stop Brexit catastrophe
The Tories and Labour are failing Scotland on Brexit.
Theresa May needs to show backbone over sexist Toby Young appointment
Toby Young describes himself as a ‘maverick’ when, in fact, he is a man with dangerous and damaging views who hasn’t hesitated to share them with the wider world.
My New Year’s resolution is to hold the Tories to account when they let Scotland down
Mhairi Black’s New Year’s resolution: to keep on holding the Tories to account when they let Scotland down
Time for Jeremy Corbyn to get off the Brexit fence and back the single market
In the last week, everything we feared about the UK Government’s handling of the Brexit negotiations turned out to be true.
Thanks to the Tories, this will be food banks busiest Christmas to date
Many more people are expected to go hungry this Christmas. I’m not talking about people in far-flung places, but in our own towns and communities.
The Tories are letting young people down and it has to stop
It’s Budget week – a time when political parties write out their wish lists to the Chancellor.
Boris Johnson simply has to go
They say a week is a long time in politics, and for Theresa May it’s probably felt like an eternity.
Rollout of Universal Credit is an unmitigated disaster and it must be stopped
If you haven’t heard of Universal Credit, you will soon – unless the Tories wake up and change their plans.
It’s astonishing that we still don’t know what Brexit will mean
It’s conference season for political parties, which means journalists are traipsing around the UK from one conference centre to another. But the press pack would have been able to enjoy a bit of sun, not to mention good pizza, as they traipsed out to Italy on Friday to see the Prime Minister speak about Brexit.
People across the country are paying the price for the Tory wage crisis
Tory failure in government has meant a pay cut for families across the country – as wages have fallen in real terms over the last decade.
We’ve had a decade of success but there is still so much more to achieve
“Get on with the day job.” It’s a line that the opposition in the Scottish Parliament enjoy throwing around all too often. The irony, of course, is that for the past decade – in contrast to the Tory zombie government in Westminster – the SNP have been getting on with the job of governing in Scotland.