SNP Manifesto – General Election 2019
Stronger for Scotland – The SNP General Election Manifesto
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SNP Manifesto – British Sign Language edition
All videos for the SNP’s Manifesto in BSL are available here.
Audio version is available here.

Nicola Sturgeon launching the SNP's 2019 manifesto in Glasgow.
Vote SNP on December 12
This election really matters.
At stake is who will decide Scotland’s future – Westminster leaders like Boris Johnson or the people who live here?
The chaos of Brexit has exposed just how dysfunctional Westminster really is.
We have had an unelected Prime Minister with no mandate seek to impose a damaging Brexit on Scotland, and a paralysed Parliament delivering for no one. Scotland deserves better.
Now more than ever, it is vital to have strong SNP voices standing up for Scotland.
Let’s put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands, and escape from Brexit. Vote SNP on December 12th.
My Vision
Building a better Scotland
This manifesto sets out how to build a better Scotland.
It’s a manifesto to benefit this and future generations.
At the heart of our case is the belief that decisions about Scotland’s future are best taken by the people who live in Scotland, wherever they come from.
We are an extraordinary country, diverse and outward-looking, with great potential and much to look forward to. But the future of our country is at stake.
This election really matters.
People are heartily sick of Brexit and the mess at Westminster. But there is no end in sight to the Westminster Brexit chaos.
A vote for the SNP is a vote to escape Brexit.
It’s a vote to put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.
SNP MPs will always stand up for Scotland. We answer to the people who live here – not to any leader at Westminster.
This manifesto sets out our plans to keep Scotland and the UK in the EU, protect the NHS, reverse Westminster cuts to the Scottish budget, help with the cost of living, protect the environment and win a fair deal for pensioners.
There is a real chance the SNP could hold the balance of power after the election on December 12 and the larger the number of SNP MPs, the more we can do for Scotland.
The SNP is willing to take part in a progressive alliance to lock the Tories out of office.
In any discussion, we will demand that the democratic right of people in Scotland to decide their own future is respected.
As an independent European nation we will always get the governments we vote for; the Scottish Parliament will have full control of tax and social security policy; no Westminster government could ever threaten our NHS and we could choose to spend money on Scotland’s priorities instead of wasting billions of pounds on Trident.
So, at this election there is a choice for Scotland.
A chaotic, Brexit-obsessed Westminster could decide our future for us. Or we can demand our right as a country to decide our own future.
It’s time to put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.
Our candidates
How you can help
It’s time to put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands.
- Volunteer to help your local candidate
- Donate to our General Election campaign
- If you are a postal voter, vote SNP and return your ballot
- Remind your friends, family and followers to vote SNP on December 12
- Vote SNP on December 12 to put Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands