How the SNP is leading the way on climate change
The SNP is renewing its efforts to make Scotland a world-leader on climate change after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon declared a ‘Climate Emergency’. Since the announcement the SNP Scottish Government has unveiled a whole range of new proposals and initiatives to protect our environment.
🌍 In May 2019 it was announced that Scotland will stop contributing to climate change within a generation. In addition to a net-zero target for 2045, Scotland will reduce emissions by 75% by 2030 and 90% by 2040, the most ambitious statutory targets in the world for these years.

🌊 The Scottish Government held an offshore wind summit, bringing trade unions, developers and supply chain companies together to ensure more Scottish companies could benefit from the awarding of offshore wind projects.

⌛️ Scotland’s Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham wrote to the UK Government, urging it to legislate for UK net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest, bringing the UK closer into line with Scotland’s net-zero targets.

✈️ The SNP scrapped plans to cut the amount of tax paid by passengers flying from Scottish airports. Finance Secretary Derek Mackay said the Air Departure Tax (APT) was “no longer compatible” with Scotland’s climate change targets.

♻️ We announced an ambitious new Deposit Return Scheme, with shops which sell drinks set to offer 20p deposit refunds to customers. The scheme will include aluminium and steel cans, glass bottles and PET plastic containers.

🚜 The Scottish Government announced a new farmer-led initiative to drive sustainable farming practices in Scotland. The new group, under Farming For a Better Climate (FFBC), will be set up to develop innovative and practical solutions to help farmers protect the environment.