Dè na ceumannan a tha Riaghaltas na h-Alba air gabhail airson taic a thoirt don Ghàidhlig ann an Alba?
Tha a’ Ghàidhlig na pàirt luachmhor de dhualchas na h-Alba agus tha an SNP ag aithneachadh an luach cultarach, eaconamaiceach agus sòisealta a tha an dùthaich gu lèir a’ faighinn bhon chànan. Tha sinn airson cleachdadh a’ chànain a neartachadh gus dèanamh cinnteach gum bi i maireannach san àm ri teachd.
Coimheadaidh an SNP air inbhe oifigeil ‘Gàidhealtachd’ a bhuileachadh gus sgilean cànain a thogail agus seirbheisean a leudachadh tron Ghàidhlig, a’ cur fàs ris na cothroman a bhiodh ann gus a’ Ghàidhlig a chleachdadh ann an suidheachaidhean làitheil agus foirmeil.
Tha àite cudromach aig Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig (FtG) ann am fàs cleachdadh na Gàidhlig agus tha e as èifeachdaiche mar làn-bhogadh. ’S e sin nuair a tha cùrsa na sgoile air fad tro mheadhan a’ chànain.
Gus an t-amas seo a choileanadh cha tèid sgoiltean ùra FtG a cho-shuidheachadh ri sgoiltean Beurla (FtB) mar as àbhaist. Seach sin, brosnaichidh an SNP togail sgoiltean Gàidhlig fa leth, cho math ri barrachd ionmhais gus an àireamh de thìdsearan le comas sa Ghàidhlig a chur am meud. Leanaidh an Riaghaltas SNP air a’ cur taic ri aonadan Gàidhlig am broinn sgoiltean FtB, agus ri amasan phàrantan gus sgoiltean ùra Gàidhlig a stèidheachadh.
Thèid seo a dhèanamh gus an fharsaingeachd de chuspairean FtG a leudachadh, gach cuid do dh’fhoghlam coitcheann agus àrd-ìrean na h-àrd-sgoile. Bidh taic ga cumail ri aonadan Gàidhlig ann an sgoiltean FtB cuideachd.
Bheir Riaghaltas SNP na h-Alba sùil às ùr air obair agus structar Bhòrd na Gàidhlig. Nithear seo gus dearbhadh gu bheil prìomh bhuidheann ceannais agus lìonra bhuidhnean èifeachdach ann a bhith a’ brosnachadh na Gàidhlig.
Tha craoladh Gàidhlig a cheart cho cudromach ann am foillseachadh ghuthan agus sgeulachdan na Gàidhlig, cho math ri bhith a’ toirt ghnothaichean an t-saoghail do dh’Alba tron Ghàidhlig. ’S e sin as adhbhar gun cum an SNP air le taic do BBC Alba agus BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.
What steps have the Scottish Government taken to support the Gaelic language in Scotland?
Gaelic is an integral part of Scotland’s heritage and the SNP recognises the strong cultural, economic and social value the language brings to our entire nation. We remain committed to increasing the use and visibility of the language to ensure its sustainable long-term future.
The SNP will explore the creation of a recognised ‘Gàidhealtachd’ to raise levels of language competence and the provision of more services through Gaelic, extending opportunities to use Gaelic in every-day situations and formal settings.
Gaelic Medium Education is a key tool in driving the use of Gaelic and it is most successful when it is fully immersive for pupils. That means an entire school career being delivered through the language.
To achieve that ambition there will be a general presumption against co-locating new GME schools with English medium schools. Instead, the SNP will encourage the creation of new stand-alone GME primary and secondary schools across Scotland, backed by investment to increase the number of teachers who can teach in the medium of Gaelic.
The SNP Scottish Government will continue to fully support established Gaelic units within English medium schools, and their efforts to create new GME schools.
This will be with a view to strengthening the range of subjects that can be taught in GME for both a broad general education and in the senior phase of secondary school. Gaelic units in English medium schools will continue to be supported.
A future SNP Scottish Government will also review the functions and structures of Bòrd na Gàidhlig to make sure Scotland has an effective leadership body and network of organisations for the promotion of Gaelic.
Gaelic broadcasting continues to have a vital role in disseminating Gaelic voices and stories, as well as bringing the world to Scotland through the Gaelic language. That’s why the SNP will continue to invest to support BBC Alba and BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.