Is Scotland safer under the SNP?
The SNP Scottish Government has taken many steps to ensure Scotland is a safe place to live. Police recorded crime has fallen by 41% between 2006-07 and 2019-20 and is at one of the lowest levels seen since 1974.
Scotland has 1,000 more police officers than were in place in 2007; while the Tories presided over a cut of 20,000.
Despite constraints on Scotland’s public services through a decade of UK austerity, the Scottish Government has increased the policing budget for 21/22 by £75 million which will deliver a sustainable budget position.
We have ended automatic early release, meaning that long-term prisoners who pose an unacceptable risk to public safety will serve their sentence in full. And thanks to tough community sentences, the reconviction rate has been reduced to its lowest level in 21 years.
We have also invested £75 million in support for victims over the past five years.