What the SNP Scottish Government doing to protect and enhance Scotland’s natural capital?

The basic concept behind natural capital – the idea that economic growth cannot be sustained if it comes at a continuing and unsustainable cost to our natural resources – is one which is more urgent and more important than ever before.

Studies suggest that the elements of Scotland’s natural capital that can be given a monetary value are worth more than £20 billion each year to our economy.  It directly supports more than 60,000 jobs and is indirectly responsible for many more. That’s why we have recognised that natural capital has a role to play in our policy-making.

The SNP Scottish Government is determined to lead by example – by measuring and enhancing our own natural capital and by participating in the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital.  We know that by doing so, we will benefit the ecosystems and people of our own country; and we’ll also do our bit to help the environment and wellbeing of the wider world. We will continue to work in partnership with others – sharing our experiences and learning from friends in Scotland and around the world.

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