What is the SNP doing to improve primary care, including GP services?
We want to see as much health care as possible provided in the community and closer to people’s own homes, because we know that is what patients want.
That means continuing to reform primary care and investing in services. Primary care and GP services will see a greater share of NHS frontline investment over this parliament, with an increase of at least 25% in primary care funding.
We will roll out more mobile health services for direct delivery of care, particularly in rural areas. This will include additional screening services, stroke units and mental health services.
NHS Pharmacy First Scotland helps people access the right care in the right place, without having to go to their GP practice or local Accident and Emergency Department for non-urgent treatment. We will expand Pharmacy First to allow community pharmacies to give people expert advice or treatment for minor illnesses and common conditions, or to make referrals to other healthcare teams if required.
The enduring consequence of the pandemic for many people is suffering ‘long covid’. The health problem this presents can be varied and are not restricted to respiratory problems. We will support our GPs to help coordinate the multidisciplinary care that people with long covid need.