UN Leader praises Scotland’s world-leading climate action
UN chief António Guterres praised Scotland’s world-leading Net Zero targets, and the efforts to pursue climate justice, at COP26.
Westminster chose austerity, they must own the responsibility
Boris Johnson’s government may claim that they are different – but it is their party that chose to impose austerity.
There is no excuse for inaction in the climate emergency
At COP26, Scotland will seek to provide a bridge between those whose voices are so rarely heard, and those making the decisions.
Ambitious climate targets, backed by bold climate action
Scotland is already leading by example on climate. To meet the challenge, we must all step up and be bold. Now is the moment.
The Tories have failed to stand up for Scotland, again
The UK government promised Scotland a carbon capture and storage plant, and broke that promise. Yet again, the Scottish Tories proved they’re unable to stand up for Scotland.
Scotland can set a strong example at COP26
World leaders must step up to avert climate catastrophe. Scotland is ready to lead by example at COP26.
COP26: It’s time to think big and be bold
COP26 is rapidly approaching, and the eyes of the world are on Glasgow. We’re ramping up our world-leading action higher still – because the climate crisis won’t wait.
Tories betrayed Scotland on carbon capture and storage
In 2014, the UK government promised Scotland a new carbon capture and storage facility. Now, they’ve broken that promise and chose to divert funding to England instead.
Scottish industry leader tears into Tories for Brexit damage
James Withers, Scottish food and drink industry leader, says the UK government is “divorced from reality” on Brexit. From food shortages, to fuel shortages and rising prices, we’re all paying for this Tory Brexit.
Douglas Ross: a vote for the SNP is a vote for a referendum
Douglas Ross: “People have to be really clear that a vote for the SNP is a vote for another independence referendum”. Scotland voted SNP in record numbers, with the most votes any party has ever received in a Scottish election.
We must defeat misogyny and sexism across all of our society
Nicola Sturgeon: “I hope we’re finally at a watershed moment and a turning point where we stop expecting women to fix these problems, and put the full glare where it belongs – on men who behave in a deeply unacceptable and misogynistic way.”
Tory hypocrisy on children’s rights exposed
The Scottish Parliament united in passing the UNCRC Bill to strengthen children’s rights. The UK government then took the Scottish Government to court to strike it down.
Tories are in denial about the impact of Brexit
This Tory MSP tried to suggest that the damaging consequences of Brexit weren’t of the UK government’s making. He didn’t expect Angus Robertson’s response…
Tory Universal Credit will push more people into poverty
All parties in the Scottish Parliament united to reject the cruel Universal Credit cut that will push thousands into poverty. All parties apart from one – the Scottish Tories.
Labour support the damaging Tory Brexit
Scotland is paying a heavy price for a Brexit that Labour and Tories are now united in supporting. It’s time to choose a different future.
Boris Johnson’s Universal Credit cut is hitting the most vulnerable
The Scottish Parliament. Anti-poverty charities. Children’s commissioners in all UK nations. All six former DWP secretaries since 2010. All united in opposing the Universal Credit cut.
Boris Johnson’s Covid statements prove he is simply not fit for office
The pattern from this UK Tory government has been clear throughout the pandemic – it’s one rule for them and another for the rest of us.
Baroness Davidson is running away from democracy
The House of Lords has no democratic legitimacy and neither does Baroness Ruth Davidson.
Tories don’t sanction those who publish racism, they promote them
Ian Blackford takes Boris Johnson and this Tory government to task for their history of racism and failure to stand up to actions of racists.
Our responsibility is to protect Scotland from the virus
Nicola Sturgeon: “My job is not to take the easy decisions in a quest for popularity, it is to do what I think is most likely to keep the country safe as possible.”
David Linden eviscerates toxic Tory migration policies
Tories say they want to prevent illegal crossings – but won’t open up any safe and legal routes. They say they’re ‘compassionate’ – but are cutting international aid for the vulnerable.
Scotland will lead by example in the climate emergency
Nicola Sturgeon at the Austrian World Summit: “We have to be bold, and we have to be brave. We owe it to the generation growing up now to leave the planet in better shape for them.”
We’re making vaccines more easily accessible for everybody
Vaccination is our best way to defeat the virus and save lives. From Monday 5 July, every mainland health board will offer drop-in vaccine appointments.
With both vaccine doses, we will win the race against Covid
Get both doses of the vaccine. Get tested regularly. Look after each other and stick with the guidelines.
Boris Johnson reacts to the misuse of vital COVID funds
It’s a scandal that in the midst of the pandemic, Tory ministers were misusing emergency COVID contracts for constitutional campaigning – instead of saving lives.
Don’t let Westminster hold our recovery back, vote SNP
Let’s build a fairer country and put Scotland’s recovery in Scotland’s hands – not those of Boris Johnson. Make it Both Votes SNP on May 6.
Tories are splashing taxpayers’ cash on fighting independence
If the Tories insist there won’t be an independence referendum, why are they spending so much money on the Union Unit to fight independence?
1.3 million children under five in poverty due to Tory welfare cuts
Boris Johnson must permanently extend the £20 Universal Credit uplift, and support the 1.3 million pushed into poverty by Tory cuts.