Food and drink industry leader tears apart Tory Brexit sell-out
Industry leader James Withers tells MPs the UK “created history in being the only country ever to impose economic sanctions on itself”.
This Budget seeks to build on the hope of a better future
Kate Forbes has delivered a Budget that provides funding for green jobs, paves the way for a stronger COVID recovery, and delivers extra funding to public services.
We are well on track to meet vaccination targets
We’re continuing our roll-out of the vaccine in Scotland and are on track to meet, and even exceed our targets.
The Tories should not fear this Bill if there is nothing to hide
Owen Thompson presented a Bill to tackle the wasteful, unaccountable and secretive culture of Tory cronyism.
Johnson’s dither and delay costs lives and livelihoods
Families need urgent financial support now, such as making the Universal Credit uplift permanent, not more dither and delay from Boris Johnson.
Special deal for Northern Ireland, extreme Tory Brexit for Scotland
The UK government has admitted to putting Scotland at a Brexit competitive disadvantage – despite Baroness Ruth Davidson and David Mundell saying this must never happen.
Tory Brexit is depriving young people of vital opportunities
Tories have abandoned the Erasmus+ programme, which has benefitted students for generations.
Boris Johnson is dragging Scotland to the no-deal cliff edge
Last year, Boris Johnson was saying he had an “oven-ready” deal and that chances of a no-deal Brexit were “a million to one”. Now, he’s actively planning for it.
“I’ll be there with my sleeve rolled up getting vaccinated”
We must do all we can to tackle myths and misinformation around COVID vaccines – and take the opportunity to lead by example.
COVID vaccine authorised and ready for supply in Scotland
Nicola Sturgeon: “It is without a shadow of a doubt the best news we have heard since this pandemic started all these months ago. Today is a genuinely good day.”
Boris Johnson is missing in action
There are millions who still haven’t received a penny of UK government support. This has been an abject failure by a Prime Minister who’s missing in action.
Tories clap for key workers and then freeze their wages
Rishi Sunak splurges £29m on a Festival of Brexit, while freezing public sector pay, turning his back on the world’s poorest, failing to invest in a proper recovery
This is why the people of Scotland don’t trust the Tories
As Boris Johnson’s government attacks devolution, breaks international law and treats Scotland with contempt, is it any wonder that independence now has majority support?
UK government must extend the Brexit transition period
The clock towards a no-deal Brexit is ticking, and the Tories are gambling with our economic future in the middle of a health emergency.
Suppressing the virus and safeguarding our economy
Later this week, the Scottish Government will publish its strategy for restoring normality and safeguarding our economy.
This is how we will defeat this virus together
“We will get through these difficult times if we all keep doing the right thing – for our own sake and for the sake of each other.” Nicola Sturgeon announces a 3-week extension of the COVID-19 lockdown.
Inspiring and hopeful good news in times of darkness
Our very best wishes to 98-year-old Daphne Shah, who has recovered from COVID-19 at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee.
You can help to support our NHS and your community
Thank you to the 41,000 people who have already signed up to volunteer during the COVID-19 outbreak. You too can support our NHS and your community – go to to see how.
It’s time for an emergency universal basic income
Coronavirus is an unprecedented emergency and it requires an unprecedented response. It’s time for an emergency universal basic income so that no one is left behind.
Scotland is choosing a better path on health
Oxford professor Danny Dorling highlights the stark contrast between the English and Scottish approaches to healthcare.
Damaging and insulting Tory policy torn apart in 40 seconds
While the Tories are insulting people and wilfully damaging Scotland’s economy, we value immigrants and will always stand up for Scotland’s interests.
Migrants make a huge contribution to Scotland
Migrants make a net contribution to Scotland’s economy and the Scottish Government must have the powers to build a more welcoming society.
The Tories aren’t listening to Scotland on immigration
When the Scottish Government proposed a Scottish Visa, Tories wouldn’t even consider it. When the Tories revealed their damaging immigration plans, they wouldn’t even go on TV to defend it.
Tories admit more than half of Scots pay less tax
The majority of Scottish taxpayers pay less tax than anyone else in the UK, while receiving best value for public services. Watch another Tory myth unravelling as Alister Jack admits the facts.
Change Must Come
These people all have one thing in common – they’ve changed from No to Yes. Watch the SNP’s new broadcast now.
The brutal truth for Labour in Scotland
While Labour leadership candidates try to avoid even mentioning Scotland in prime-time TV debates, they can’t escape the reality of growing support for independence.
Labour’s staggering hypocrisy on PFI exposed
Labour’s record on PFI contracts is nothing but a con trick – even the Scottish Labour leader says so.
We’re here to offer a vision of hope for Scotland
Amy Callaghan delivers an astounding speech, offering a vision of hope and pledging that SNP MPs are in Westminster to “settle up for Scotland, not to settle down.”