Boris Johnson is a liar
Boris Johnson’s attempts to deceive are a desperate deflection from the fact that he’s been made Prime Minister thanks solely to the votes of 0.2% of the UK’s population.
Tories don’t like to hear the truth on Boris and Hunt
Tory MPs can try all they want, but Scotland will not be shouted down.
Ian Blackford slams Boris Johnson for litany of racism
Boris Johnson has a record of dishonesty, of stoking division in communities and of explicitly racist language. He is not fit for office.
Austerity-obsessed Tories can’t be trusted on education
The Tories’ brutal austerity policies have been condemned by the UN’s special rapporteur – it’s clear Ruth Davidson can’t be trusted with our public services.
Tory government’s record is a catalogue of failures
Tory leadership candidates are now outdoing themselves on who can deliver the hardest Brexit and do maximum damage to Scotland.
Tories putting NHS at risk to pursue Trump trade deal
Scotland has the best performing NHS in the UK, with the highest number of GPs per head of population. We won’t allow the Tories to carve it up and sell it off to Donald Trump for a post-Brexit trade deal.
Scotland’s future lies in Europe
Scotland has made it clear its future should lie in Europe – it’s time the Tories and Labour started listening.
Scotland’s for Europe – vote SNP on May 23
By voting SNP, people in Scotland can send a clear and unequivocal message to Theresa May that Scotland has had enough of being ignored, Scotland has had enough of the Westminster chaos, and Scotland does not want Brexit.
Scotland does not want a Tory-Labour Brexit stitch-up
Scotland’s voice will not be ignored by the Westminster parties.
Scotland is everyone who chooses to make this country their home
Nicola Sturgeon: “When we speak of building a nation, what we mean is we’re building a better future for all those who live here, and for the generations yet to come.”
Experts agree – Brexit is an unmitigated disaster
Experts agree that Brexit is the biggest crisis facing the country.
While the Tories laugh on the sidelines, we’re fighting to protect Scotland’s interests.
No answers from the most evasive Prime Minister in history
Theresa May’s vision is blinded by her hard-right Brexit ideology and is damaging Scotland’s education sector.
Labour’s lack of ambition for Scotland knows no bounds
Richard Leonard was given the chance to call for welfare powers to be taken out of the hands of the Tories in Westminster, and put into the hands of the people of Scotland.
Once again, he refused.
Theresa May must stop ignoring Scotland
Scotland has been silenced and sidelined in this Brexit fiasco.
Westminster is not working for Scotland – it’s the EU, not the UK, that has put our citizens first.
Scotland did not vote for this extreme Tory Brexit
Stephen Gethins: “I want to live in a Scotland that is not beholden to the extremists currently calling the shots in Westminster. A country that welcomes the world and seeks to work on an equal basis with our neighbours.”
May and Corbyn’s Brexit will make Scotland poorer
Any Brexit option cobbled together at the last minute by Labour and the Tories will make Scotland poorer. And it could potentially be unpicked by a future Tory PM – such as Boris Johnson.
The European Parliament shows its support for Scotland
Alyn Smith MEP’s moving speech to the European Parliament, warmly applauded by Donald Tusk and colleagues: “Leave a light on, so that we can find our way home”
Conservative MPs tell Scottish MP to go home – AGAIN
Tory MPs told Ian Blackford to go home, exposing what the Tories truly think of Scotland.
Scotland’s voice is being ignored. It’s time for change.
“My message is for every EU national across the UK. You are welcome here and we want you to stay. What has been done to you by Brexiteer politicians is nothing short of disgraceful.”
Scotland’s democratic voice is being ignored at Westminster
“If Scotland is to be taken out of the EU against our will, there is a mandate in Scotland, won at two elections now, to give people the choice of independence.”
Prime Minister of Iceland – Scotland could “absolutely” be an independent nation
ICYMI – the Prime Minister of Iceland, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, said Scotland could “absolutely” be an independent nation: “In these issues I don’t think size matters.”
Political Slot: Only independence puts Scotland’s future in Scotland’s hands
Michael Russell MSP and Elena Morozowa highlighting the vital contribution that EU nationals make in Scotland’s Highlands and Islands and rural communities, for Channel 4’s Political Slot.
Scotland is leading the way on protecting the environment
Scotland is a world leader on protecting the environment. Al Gore and international leaders agree, but there’s lots more to do and we have tons of ambition.
We can protect our place in Europe with independence
It is becoming increasingly clear to many in Scotland that Scotland’s wider interests will only be protected with independence.
Tory resignations since Brexit
Strong and stable? The sheer number of Tory resignations since Brexit speak for themselves.