Brexit chaos continues as Tories gamble with Scotland’s future – latest updates
With Westminster in chaos, it can be tricky to keep up with the latest news. We’ve put together a timeline of recent events to keep you in the loop.
We need a second EU referendum
Brexit continues to be deadlocked, the Prime Minister humiliated again, and the only way out of this mess is a second EU referendum.
SNP MPs were crystal clear in the House of Commons: Theresa May must extend Article 50 for a sufficient time to put Brexit back to the people.
Clear response to Theresa May's #Brexit deal from SNP MPs.
🤷♀️ Theresa May: "Does this House want to hold a second referendum?"
⛔️ SNP MPs [shout]: "YES!"— The SNP (@theSNP) March 12, 2019
Nicola Sturgeon says Parliament must now reject no-deal, extend Article 50 and put Brexit back to the people
First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has issued a statement commenting on the latest Brexit developments.
Following a second crushing defeat of her Brexit deal, Theresa May must stop putting her broken party first, and act in the interests of all four nations of the UK: vote against no-deal, extend Article 50 and allow for a second EU referendum.
My comment on tonight’s Brexit fiasco.
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) March 12, 2019
Theresa May set for another crushing defeat on her Brexit deal
MPs are voting on Theresa May’s Brexit deal, and despite attempting to trick Parliament that she achieved meaningful changes, it is still the same bad deal – one that would decimate Scotland’s economy, slash 100,000 jobs and deprive young people of opportunities.
Scotland did not vote for Brexit, and all SNP MPs are voting against this deal, paving the way for another embarrassing defeat for the UK Government.
Packed “No” lobby. It would appear that Theresa has fooled no one with her “new” deal.
— Carol Monaghan MP 🏴 (@CMonaghanSNP) March 12, 2019
Jeremy Corbyn dismisses Scotland’s voice as irrelevant
Scotland never voted for Brexit, and the redundancies, erosion of rights, and loss of opportunities that come with it.
Scotland has an undeniable right to choose its own future, but when Stewart McDonald raised this in Parliament, Jeremy Corbyn said this was ‘irrelevant’.
🤷♂️ Why is @jeremycorbyn against Scotland deciding its own future?
— The SNP (@theSNP) March 12, 2019
DUP confirm they will vote against Theresa May’s Brexit deal
The DUP’s leader, Arlene Foster, has confirmed that DUP MPs will vote against the withdrawal agreement – likely dooming Theresa May to another historic defeat in the House of Commons. Had Theresa May not spent the past year trying to appease the hard-right of her party and instead worked with other parties to secure full access to the Single Market and Customs Union, the UK and the government would not be in the mess it is now.
Had the PM not spent all her energy trying to appease ERG/DUP and instead tried to find a compromise founded on a recognition that two of four nations and 48% overall in UK voted to remain, she might not be where she is now.
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) March 12, 2019
UK Attorney General’s legal advice confirms nothing has changed with Theresa May’s Deal
The UK government’s Attorney General, Geoffrey Cox, has published his updated legal advice following Theresa May’s latest meetings with EU officials. The Attorney General’s advice confirms that nothing of any real substance has changed to the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal and that MPs will be asked to vote of effectively the same deal they rejected by a historic 230 votes in January.
BREAKING: Geoffrey Cox says legal risk remains “unchanged” that if there were “intractable differences” between the parties the UK would have “no internationally lawful means of exiting” the backstop.
Surely he has just killed off any chance of May’s deal passing tonight— Gordon Rayner (@gordonrayner) March 12, 2019
7 out of 10 voters in Scotland want a referendum on Scottish independence
Amid the ongoing Brexit chaos, with an incompetent and reckless Tory government trying to drag Scotland out of the EU against its will, voters in Scotland are increasingly demanding to choose their own future.
🏴 An overwhelming majority of voters in Scotland are in favour of another referendum on Scotland’s future.
📦 The EU is a market of 500 million people – eight times the size of the UK alone. Yet the Tories want to drag us out of the world’s richest market against our will.
— The SNP (@theSNP) March 12, 2019
The UK Government is reckless and irresponsible, as it plays games with parliamentary schedules
This morning, Westminster was awash with speculation that Theresa May is set to pull the meaningful vote on Brexit, which she promised to hold by tomorrow – Tuesday the 12th March.
She knows she would lose the vote, because she failed to achieve the changes she promised to the hard-right Brexiteers she’s in the grip of. This is why she’s trying to pull the vote and continue aimlessly running down the clock, just as she did in December.
When an urgent question was put down on the progress of Brexit, Theresa May yet again escaped responsibility to face MPs, and instead sent a junior minister.
With less than a day until the meaningful day was set to take place, the Brexit secretary has cancelled a committee session, and the Government cannot offer any clarity on what is happening – no motion, no firm schedule, no plan.
I’m assuming somebody will have the courtesy to apologise to the press and public who were waiting outside the committee room 10 minutes after they should have been allowed in, completely unaware that the meeting had been cancelled and that the room was empty.
— Peter Grant MP (@PeterGrantMP) March 11, 2019
Theresa May falsely claims Scotland does not have a mandate for independence
It’s a fundamental right of the Scottish people to decide on their own future, but Theresa May tried to deny this right by claiming there is ‘no mandate’ for Scottish independence.
After repeatedly ignoring Scotland’s wishes and deliberately acting to hurt Scotland’s economy, Tories are running scared of the will of the Scottish people.
There is a mandate to pursue independence, and if Tories block an independence referendum, it would amount to a shameful attack on democracy.
🚣♂️ Scotland never voted to be dragged out of the EU against our will, and independence is our lifeboat.
🏴 Scotland has a mandate for independence, and it’s a fundamental right of the Scottish people to decide their future. #bbcdn
— The SNP (@theSNP) March 6, 2019
The Scottish Parliament rejects Theresa May’s Brexit deal and backs extension of Article 50
The Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly have simultaneously voted on motions that reject Theresa May’s botched Brexit deal, which threatens to severely and permanently damage Scotland’s economy and communities.
MSPs from all parties, apart from the Scottish Tories, voted for the motion, which also called for an extension of Article 50 to avoid the Brexit cliff edge.
Scotland needs and deserves better than this blindfold Brexit, and now that the Scottish Parliament decisively voted against it, it’s time for the UK Tories to listen.
🗳️ The Scottish Parliament has voted to oppose Theresa May’s #Brexit deal and back an extension to the Article 50 process.
— The SNP (@theSNP) March 5, 2019
Scottish Tories choose to side with extreme Brexiteers, rather than with Scotland’s interests
The SNP tabled an amendment seeking to rule out a no-deal Brexit in all circumstances.
Shamefully, all Scottish Tory MPs voted against the proposals that would protect Scotland’s communities from the calamitous consequences of a no-deal.
This amounts to nothing short of a betrayal of Scottish voters. The people of Scotland clearly rejected Brexit, but it’s clearer than ever that the Scottish Tories prefer to follow the whip of their Westminster bosses, rather than Scotland’s interests and economic logic.
🗳️ Tonight Scottish Tory MPs had the chance to vote in Scotland’s interests and rule out a no-deal Brexit. Instead, once again, they marched through the lobbies with hard-right Brexiteers in order to continue this #Brexit madness.
— The SNP (@theSNP) February 27, 2019
Prime Minister of Iceland makes it clear Scotland could be an independent nation
Despite being promised a “partnership of equals” by the Better Together campaign in 2014, Scotland is being dragged out of the EU against its will and consistently shafted by a Tory government rejected by the people of Scotland at the ballot box.
Scotland deserves better than this. We want to build a progressive, democratic society, where power lies in the hands of the Scottish people, not in the corridors of Westminster.
A bright future as an independent country is within our reach – don’t just take our word for it, take the Icelandic Prime Minister’s.
🇮🇸 ICYMI: the Prime Minister of Iceland, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, said Scotland could “absolutely” be an independent nation.
“In these issues I don’t think size matters.”
— The SNP (@theSNP) February 26, 2019
The SNP tables an amendment calling for Article 50 extension
As the Brexit clock keeps ticking, we must do everything to take no-deal off the table, which we know – based on the UK Government’s and Scottish Government’s analyses – could slash 100,000 jobs in Scotland and seriously hurt the economy.
Extending Article 50 and allowing the people to make a final decision – based on facts, rather than lies on the side of a bus – is the way to do that.
📄 BREAKING: SNP amendment was selected by the Speaker and will be voted on after 5pm.
It requires the UK Government to begin immediate negotiations for an extension of Article 50, so we can avoid the Brexit cliff edge. 👇
— The SNP (@theSNP) February 14, 2019
The UK Government has not published any economic analysis of Theresa May’s Brexit deal
The UK Government has not published economic analyses that would show the impact of the specific deal on the table.
This shows the scale of recklessness and incompetence at the heart of this Tory government, which is trying to hide economic figures because they’re in denial of the damage Brexit will cause. They’re pursuing a blind Brexit.
No responsible MP could ever vote for a deal without knowing what the impact would be.
Ian Blackford urged Theresa May to come clean on the economic figures, but shamefully, she refused to answer.
👀 Theresa May couldn’t give a straight answer at #PMQs.
❌ The truth is, Tories haven’t published any economic analysis of Theresa May’s Brexit deal, because they’re in denial of the damage Brexit will do to jobs and the economy.
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 23, 2019
Mhairi Black makes clear that neither her, nor Scotland, have ever had confidence in this Tory government
SNP MPs will vote to bring down this Tory government and consign it to the dustbin of history.
🔥 @MhairiBlack: “I have never had confidence in this government whatsoever, and have no confidence in this Prime Minister”.
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 16, 2019
Westminster is in chaos but in Scotland we stand united
While Westminster descends into chaos, Scotland stands united against Theresa May’s disastrous Brexit. It is clear, the Prime Minister must let the people decide. #PMQs
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 16, 2019
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has written to Theresa May calling for urgent engagement with the Scottish & Welsh governments

Scotland has no confidence in the UK government – SNP MPs will back tomorrow’s no confidence motion
The UK government has run out of steam and is running out of time in Scotland.
In tomorrow’s no confidence motion, which will be voted on at 7pm, SNP MPs will emphatically vote to bring down this shambolic Tory government.
If this fails, there is only one clear way to break the deadlock: Jeremy Corbyn must accept his responsibility, get off the fence, and support a People’s Vote with an option to remain in the European Union.
🏴 Scotland has no confidence in this UK government and tomorrow SNP MPs will vote to bring down this Tory Gov’t. If the motion of no confidence does not pass, then Labour and Jeremy Corbyn must finally get off the fence and support a #PeoplesVote.
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 15, 2019
Following Brexit deal defeat, Nicola Sturgeon urges extension of Article 50 and a second EU referendum
Historic defeat for the PM and it has been obvious for months that it was coming. Enough time has been wasted. It is time to stop the Article 50 clock and put this issue back to electorate. Scotland voted to remain in the EU and we should not be dragged out against our will.
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) January 15, 2019
SNP MPs and others reject Theresa May’s Brexit deal by crushing margin
This is the biggest defeat that any UK government has suffered in parliamentary history.
The SNP will not allow the Conservative Party to wreck our economy, rob us off our rights and throw us down a hard-right cliff of deregulation.
It is now time for the people to decide.
❌ Theresa May’s #Brexit deal has been overwhelmingly rejected by MPs. She’s in power, but not in command. It’s time to let the people decide.
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 15, 2019
What’s the real process for removing Scotland from the EU? 🤨
What is the process for removing our EU citizenship? Voting for Theresa May’s Brexit deal. #scotdecides
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 15, 2019
Ian Blackford calls out Labour for dodging responsibility on Brexit whilst SNP MPs stand up for Scotland
The SNP respects Scotland’s vote to remain, and we’ve been crystal clear that staying in the EU is in Scotland’s best interest.
Meanwhile, Labour’s Brexit policy amounts to not much more than fudge, and at this crucial time, Labour is still missing in action.
🗳️ #Brexit has descended into a total mess, and the people deserve a real choice over their future.
📢 While Labour dodge their responsibility, SNP MPs are fighting for Scotland’s interests and will vote down Theresa May’s deal.
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 15, 2019
It isn’t too late for Corbyn to back a way out of Brexit, urges Tommy Sheppard MP in open letter
Every single piece of analysis shows that Brexit will make people poorer, and will disproportionately hit working class families the hardest.
In a real democracy, it is right for people to change their minds, and Labour should allow people to have a say on their future at this crucial time.
Today I’ve written an open letter to Jeremy Corbyn to ask him to provide a real alternative to #Brexit. Labour need to allow people the option to change their minds whether or not there is a general election
— Tommy Sheppard MP (@TommySheppard) January 15, 2019
Nicola Sturgeon’s statement before MPs vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal

Mhairi Black dismantles the UK government promises made during the Scottish referendum, and lets rip on the Tory Brexit mess
📽️ @MhairiBlack: “We do not fear referendums. We do not fear democracy. We do not fear holding up our vision and hopes for a better Scotland to the electorate to at least consider.”
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 10, 2019
Tory plans to slash immigration would be a disaster to Scotland
Scotland massively benefits from immigration.
It strengthens our economy and enriches our cultural fabric. The ideologically-driven Tory plans to slash immigration go completely against Scotland’s interests.
We firmly oppose these plans, and send a clear message: Scotland welcomes you.
Tory immigration changes would be a disaster for Scotland @FionaHyslop
— Ben Macpherson MSP (@BenMacpherson) January 10, 2019
There is an alternative to Theresa May’s disastrous Brexit deal: remaining in the EU
Amid the drama and political disarray at Westminster, we should not lose sight of the fact that EU membership gives Scotland countless benefits: a stronger economy, an open market for our businesses, the freedom to live, work and travel in 27 countries, workers’ rights protections, and so much more.
Scotland voted to remain, and we will not allow Scotland to be dragged out against its wishes.
There is nothing good about Theresa May’s damaging Brexit deal, but there is a better way: remaining in the European Union.
— The SNP (@theSNP) January 9, 2019
Brian Cox highlights Brexit mess and the hope of Scottish independence in the SNP Christmas message
📖 ‘Twas the Nightmare before Brexit…
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 24, 2018
Tory contempt for Scotland was laid bare, as a Tory MP heckled the SNP Westminster leader telling him to ‘go back to Skye’
👇 This actually just happened.
A Tory MP told an SNP MP to go home, exposing what the Tories really think of Scotland.
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 18, 2018
Nicola Sturgeon commenting on the news that 117 Tory MPs don’t have confidence in Theresa May

Nothing has been achieved but chaos
The Tories’ confidence vote tonight has done nothing but cause chaos, and Theresa May’s refusal to go only prolongs that chaos.
This whole affair was a complete waste of time achieving absolutely nothing. #ConfidenceVote
— Mhairi Black MP (@MhairiBlack) December 12, 2018
Third of Theresa May’s MPs say they don’t have confidence in her
Theresa May has managed to cling on as Prime Minister, but over a third of her MPs have voted to say they have no confidence in her leadership.
The reality is, the Prime Minister is now weaker than she was before and still is arguing for a deal that is bad for Scotland and the whole of the UK and cannot pass the House of Commons.
200 versus 117. May wins more vote than MPs who backed her for the leadership (in a three horse race) but 117 against is a BIG number
— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) December 12, 2018
Tory leadership vote will solve nothing and only continue the chaos
As Theresa May looks like she might survive the Tory parties confidence vote, it only returns Scotland to where we were before. With a deal that is unacceptable, that will damage Scotland’s economy and strip people of their rights.
Whether Theresa May remains Prime Minister or not, it doesn’t solve the fundamental questions of Brexit.
Hard to see Tory leadership vote resolving anything. If PM does badly, she’s damaged; if she wins easily, it’s only because she’s promised to go soon, making herself a lame duck PM. And either way, she’s still selling a Brexit deal Parliament won’t vote for.
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) December 12, 2018
Westminster is out of ideas. In Scotland, the SNP are delivering
Scottish Government’s Finance Secretary, Derek MacKay, delivered the Scottish Budget and, among other investments, committed to over £9bn for Health and Social Care Partnerships for primary and community health services in Scotland.
🏥 We’re building an NHS that delivers today and for generations to come. #ScotBudget
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 12, 2018
A government out of ideas….
Scottish Government’s Brexit Secretary, Mike Russell, delivers a statement to the Scottish Parliament.
Says the UK Government is “out of ideas, out of talent, out of time and needing to be put out of office.”
.@Feorlean: “A government out of ideas, out of talent, out of time and needing to be put out of office.”
Mike Russell eviscerates the Tories in a single sentence.
— Grant Costello (@GrantDCostello) December 12, 2018
Theresa May must resign
We were promised ‘strong and stable’, but instead the UK government has become an embarrassment. Theresa May must take responsibility and resign.
📽️ We were promised ‘Strong and Stable’ but instead the UK government has become an embarrassment. Theresa May must take responsibility and resign. #PMQs
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 12, 2018
The facts remain – Theresa May’s deal is a bad deal for Scotland
Theresa May’s deal is a bad deal and will remain a bad deal, whatever cosmetic changes are made.
The chaos of Westminster and the Tories’ civil war, shouldn’t overshadow the facts. Theresa May’s deal is a bad deal and will remain a bad deal, whatever cosmetic changes are made. #PMQs
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 12, 2018
Stay in office…
Tory Cabinet Minister lets slip the reality of the current UK government – they are purely interested in staying in power and not in delivering a good deal for Scotland and the UK.
📺Liam Fox: “We now have two tasks – deliver Brexit and stay in office.”
The Tory UK gov are no longer interested in the economy, jobs and living standards, never mind pretending to care about the NHS, education, housing or public services.
— Erik Geddes (@erikgeddes) December 12, 2018
Theresa May faces leadership as Tory civil war hits peak
Westminster’s chaos continues as Theresa May now faces a vote among Tory MPs trying to oust her. In Scotland however, people will see a tale of two governments – as the Scottish Government delivers a budget that will keep Scotland on the path of progress.
Today is a stark reminder that the UK is facing chaos and crisis entirely because of a vicious civil war within the Tory party. What a self-centred bunch they are. They all need to go, not just the PM.
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) December 12, 2018
Getting on with the day job
While Westminster and the UK government become engulfed in the Tories’ Brexit chaos. In Scotland, the Scottish Government are getting on with the business of delivering for the people of Scotland.
While Westminster descends deeper into chaos, with the Brexit deal vote postponed and Tory party in disarray, @theSNP is getting on with the business of governing Scotland.
Here are some ways we’re continuing to take Scotland on a path of progress.
— Ross Colquhoun (@rosscolquhoun) December 11, 2018
In Scotland we have, per head of population, 50% more affordable homes and more than five times as many social rented properties than in England since 2014.
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 11, 2018
Scotland has the lowest unemployment rate in the UK and it is currently the lowest on record.
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 11, 2018
An absolute embarrassment of a government
Mhairi Black calls out the embarrassing actions of the UK government and Theresa May.
The UK Government are an absolute embarrassment.
— Mhairi Black MP (@MhairiBlack) December 11, 2018
This UK government doesn’t care
Ian Blackford rises to speak in the emergency Brexit debate and makes clear – SNP MPs will not vote for any Brexit deal that worsens people’s rights or harms Scotland’s economy.
We do not live in a dictatorship, says @IanBlackfordMP of the PM’s decision to pull the vote without consulting parliament
— Kylie MacLellan (@kyliemaclellan) December 11, 2018
Enough is enough
Nicola Sturgeon calls for a sensible end to the Tories Brexit chaos that would protect – rather than wreck – Scotland and the UK’s economy.
📢 @NicolaSturgeon: “Enough is enough. The Tories have tried to deliver Brexit and have failed – it is time to replace Tory chaos with a solution that will protect jobs, living standards and Scotland’s place in Europe.”
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 11, 2018
Ian Blackford & opposition leaders call for motion of no confidence in Tory government
Ian Blackford has been joined by other party leaders in calling for Jeremy Corbyn to submit a motion of no confidence in Theresa May’s government.
.@IanBlackfordMP and other opposition leaders have written to Jeremy Corbyn calling on Labour to put forward a motion of no confidence in the Conservative government.
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 11, 2018
Theresa May given some home truths
Watch SNP Westminster Depute Leader, Kirsty Blackman, deliver some home truths to the Tories and Theresa May.
📽️ @KirstySNP telling Theresa May some home truths about the utter incompetence of this Tory government and the contempt shown to Scotland throughout the whole #Brexit process.
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 10, 2018
The PM has lost the confidence of her own benches
The Tory party keeps tearing itself apart over the Brexit deal, and from the countless speeches of her own MPs, it is clear that Theresa May has no support of her own backbenchers.
Indeed, the deal has no support from across the House of Commons, no support from the Scottish Parliament, and no support from the Welsh Assembly.
Kirsty Blackman, deputy leader of the SNP Westminster group, said: “The Prime Minister is incapable of taking decisions about the future, and Downing Street cannot negotiate any more – either with the EU or with the Tory backbenchers”.
The PM’s authority is slipping by the minute – her handling of #Brexit negotiations has been shambolic.
.@KirstySNP: “The PM has lost the confidence of her own benches, and she’s failed to convince this House of her plan for exiting the EU. We simply cannot go on like this”.
— olaf stando (@olafdoesstuff) December 10, 2018
A stunning display of cowardice
SNP Westminster Depute Leader, Kirsty Blackman, calls out the actions of the UK government in withdrawing the vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal. Demands to know when Parliament will be given the chance to vote down Theresa May’s deal.
Kirsty Blackman asks when the Commons will get to vote, the question Corbyn should have asked.
May says it will depend how long it takes to get round the EU leaders, but mentions the 21st Jan deadline— Tom Freeman (@HolyroodTom) December 10, 2018
Kirsty Blackman responding for SNP – repeats @NicolaSturgeon comments that pulling vote is “pathetic cowardice” (to shouts of withdraw)
“Why has it taken so long for the Prime Minister to face up to reality?”
— Paris Gourtsoyannis (@thistlejohn) December 10, 2018
Making Scotland’s voice heard
When asked by the Prime Minister whether Brexit should happen, SNP MPs made Scotland’s voice heard.
Clear and powerful response to Theresa May from SNP MPs.
Theresa May: “Does this house want to deliver Brexit?”
SNP MPs [shout]: “NO!”— Grant Costello (@GrantDCostello) December 10, 2018
Theresa May confirms government is pulling Brexit vote
However, the Prime Minister failed to say when she would bring the deal back to Parliament for a new vote.
It is noticeable by its absence that PM has failed to give a date for a new vote. Dragging this out to the last moment would be shameful tactics to save herself rather than the country. #brexit
— Elizabeth Lloyd (@eliz_lloyd) December 10, 2018
PM putting Tory party interests ahead of the country’s
Nicola Sturgeon has just finished speaking with Theresa May. The SNP are standing up for Scotland’s interests, while Theresa May is only interested in protecting the interests of the Tory party.
Just off call with PM. Expressed my deep frustration that the interests of a divided Tory party are taking priority over the interests of country and that delaying the vote is an abdication of responsibility, leading to even greater chaos.
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) December 10, 2018
Theresa May pulls vote on her Brexit deal
As the defeat of her Brexit deal looks inevitable, the UK government has announced that Theresa May will withdraw the vote on her Brexit deal, just a day before it was meant to be voted on.
So it is confirmed – pathetic cowardice it is from PM. Yet again the interests of the Tory party are a higher priority for her than anything else. This can’t go on.
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) December 10, 2018
European Court of Justice Ruling
Following the ECJ’s Advocate General’s initial ruling that the UK could unilaterally revoke Article 50 and cancel Brexit, the European Court of Justice officially ruled that to be the case.
This means that the UK Government can remove the risk of a no-deal Brexit, and that remaining within the European Union is now clearly a possibility.
Important judgment from ECJ – Article 50 can be unilaterally revoked by UK.
— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) December 10, 2018
Support for independence increasing
As Theresa May’s deal continues to wreak havoc and cause chaos at Westminster, support for Scottish independence is rising.
A Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times Scotland found that 59% think Scottish independence would be better than a no-deal Brexit. While 53% say independence would benefit country more than staying in UK but outside the EU under a negotiated Brexit deal.
🏴 A Panelbase poll for @SundayTimesSco found that 59% think Scottish independence would be better than a no-deal Brexit. While 53% say independence would benefit country more than staying in UK but outside the EU under a negotiated Brexit deal.
— Ross Colquhoun (@rosscolquhoun) December 9, 2018
No TV debates
Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn skirted around the idea of live TV debates around the Brexit deal – but both party leaders found excuse after excuse as to why they wouldn’t debate on particular TV channels.
Nicola Sturgeon called on both May and Corbyn to agree to the debates and for all the possible Brexit options to be included – saying that she would be willing to debate for remaining in the European Union.
However, in the end, neither May or Corbyn would commit to the debates – mirroring both leaders’ actions during the 2017 General Election debates.
“To Theresa May, I would simply say, what are you scared of?”
Nicola Sturgeon says she wants to take part in a TV debate with the Prime Minister, because “a debate between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn is simply a debate about two versions of Brexit”.
— Channel 4 News (@Channel4News) November 27, 2018
UK minister found in contempt of Parliament
Theresa May suffered the worst day in Parliament for a British government in decades, as SNP MPs, among others, voted to ‘take back control’ of the Brexit process and forced the Attorney General, Geoffrey Cox, to publish the Brexit legal advice he had tried to hide.
For the first time since 1880, a minister was held in contempt of Parliament for refusing to publish the legal advice on the PM’s deal, despite previously committing to do so.
🔍 REVEALED: Legal advice, that Tories tried to hide, indicates that May’s deal would put Scotland at a competitive disadvantage. #PMQs
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 5, 2018
Scottish Parliament votes against the deal
With the stark negative impact on Scotland’s economy and communities, the Scottish Parliament clearly voted to reject the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal.
MSPs from the SNP, Labour, Lib Dems and Scottish Greens all voted to reject the deal, with only the Scottish Tories voting for it. Despite all the evidence, Scottish Tories consciously voted for a deal that will make people in Scotland poorer.
🏴 BREAKING: The @ScotParl has voted against backing May’s Tory Brexit deal.
The SNP, and every party but the Tories, won’t back a deal that doesn’t protect Scotland’s interests and puts us at a competitive disadvantage. We will always stand up for Scotland.
— The SNP (@theSNP) December 5, 2018
3 hours in Scotland
Despite ignoring Scotland in the text of the Brexit deal, selling out the Scottish fishing industry and ignoring the interests of Scotland throughout the whole Brexit process – Theresa May still came to Scotland in an attempt to sell her Brexit deal.
However, the Prime Minister would only spend three hours in Scotland – visiting a single factory – before jet-setting back to London.
In Glasgow, Scotland, people are fuming about #brexit. The most common words from our interviews- “ignored”,”independence” and words I shall not type on twitter ;). There’s little support for Theresa May’s deal and signs of a new problem on the horizon.
— Erin McLaughlin (@ErinCNN) November 29, 2018
Brexit could make everyone in Scotland £1,600 worse off
With the publication of Theresa May’s Brexit deal, the Scottish Government produced an analysis of the impact it would have on Scotland and our economy.
The analysis showed that by 2030, Scotland would be £1,600 worse off per person than we would be if Scotland remained in the European Union.
💷 The Scottish Government’s analysis shows Theresa May’s Brexit deal will make Scotland poorer and worse off.
Here’s 5️⃣ important facts from the Scottish Government’s analysis.
— The SNP (@theSNP) November 27, 2018
Sell-out of Scottish Fishing exposed
As the UK government continues to discuss the UK and Scotland’s post-Brexit relations with the European Union, a leaked document revealed that Tories were willing to use Scottish fishing as a bargaining chip in future Brexit negotiations.
The leaked political declaration revealed that “access and quota shares would be included in the Future Economic Partnership” between the UK and the EU – breaking the previous pledges of the Vote Leave campaign and the UK government to Scottish Fishermen.
🐟 A leaked Brexit political declaration has revealed that Tories are willing to use Scottish fishing as a bargaining chip in the trade talks.
— The SNP (@theSNP) November 22, 2018
Tory Cabinet Ministers resign
Just a day after the confirmation of the deal, two of Theresa May’s cabinet ministers resigned – Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and Work & Pensions Secretary Esther McVey – in opposition to the Brexit deal.
This means that throughout Theresa May’s premiership, a total of 18 government ministers have now resigned. This was also the second Brexit Secretary to resign from Theresa May’s government.
📄 Strong and stable? The sheer number of Tory resignations since #Brexit speak for themselves.
— The SNP (@theSNP) November 19, 2018
Theresa May says she has a Brexit deal
Following a summit of European leaders, Theresa May announced that she had secured a Brexit deal and that she would be putting it to a vote in the House of Commons.
It was quickly revealed that Theresa May hasn’t shown the text of the deal to the Scottish Government, despite the fact the government of Gibraltar had been given advanced sight of it.
Perhaps this was because Scotland wasn’t even once mentioned in the deal, while Northern Ireland was mentioned over 100 times and so too were the British Arctic Territories.