Why young Scots are voting SNP today
Scotland goes to the polls today to vote in European Elections. The SNP’s position is clear: a vote for the SNP is a vote to reject the Brexit chaos and keep Scotland at the heart of Europe.
Scotland’s young people in particular benefit enormously from being able to live, study and work in the EU. Many were ineligible to vote at the time of the EU Referendum, but now want to have their say. Here young Scots tell us why they’re voting SNP.

Dylan, 24, Edinburgh
“I came here from England 2 years ago and that was because I saw so much opportunity here in Scotland. I want everyone in Europe to have that opportunity and I want people in Scotland to have that opportunity in Europe as well.”

Robyn, 17, North Ayrshire
“In this upcoming European election I can’t vote, I’m still 17 so it’s so important that people vote to stand up for the folk whose voice is being completely not listened to. Nobody born after 2000 had the chance to have their say in the Brexit referendum in 2016 so I would really encourage people to consider what sort of future they want for their children and grandchildren, and for me and my family, I want a future within Europe.”

Kirsty, 20, Fife
“I’m really disappointed about Scotland leaving the EU. The benefits that Scotland has within the EU are huge so the fact we could be leaving the EU is really disappointing.
I think it’s really important that we send a strong message to Westminster, that our voices will not be ignored and that we will be heard!”

Emma, 21, Paisley
“As a young person I’m really disappointed because overwhelmingly a lot of young people voted to remain in the EU. I have personal experience from things like ERASMUS, I got to study abroad because of it and the thought of other young people not being able to experience that is really devastating.”

Steven, 21, Midlothian
“I’m really really angry that Scotland will be leaving the EU. I have a family member who’s having to leave the country in the next few weeks purely because of Brexit. So to say that I’m raging would be an understatement. I think especially in Scotland where we did not vote for this, we didn’t vote for any of this. None of our local authorities voted for this and we’re still being subjected to all the horrible stuff that’s happening, I don’t think that’s fair, I don’t think that’s right.”

Arthur, 18, Edinburgh
“I think it’s important to vote in every election but this one specifically because it’s our greatest opportunity to express our dismay and distrust in the system. This is true no matter how you feel on Brexit.”

Kirsty, 32, Glasgow
“I think it’s really important to vote in this election. Not only does it send a message to Westminster and the EU Parliament that we want our voice to be heard, it also shows that we’re not being complacent and that we’re invested in not wanting to leave the EU.”

Mehnaz, 19, Airdrie
“Our message to the UK Government should be that Scotland did not vote for this and Scotland is going to continue not voting for this. You don’t represent our interests so we’re going to need to take that in to our own hands now.”

Lisa, 22, Hamilton
“I think Brexit and the past 2 and a half years of these negotiations have really shown that Westminster don’t represent Scotland – they don’t represent the country we want to be. I think it’s really important that we have our own voice in Europe and in the EU to show these countries the Scotland that we want to be and the vision we have for our country clearly isn’t being represented by Westminster.”

Ross, 18, Larkhall
“I’m sad that we’re being dragged away from our European partners. I’m also scared that my EU rights may be restricted. Because I, as a student, wish to study abroad as part of my course and I’m scared that now that might not happen. I’m also angry because all of this is happening against our will. Brexit will damage Scotland, it will damage many people in Scotland, it will hurt our economy and we didn’t vote for it.”

Callum, 20, Renfrew
“Scotland leaving the EU, to me, is one of the biggest tragedies of my lifetime. So much has been given by small countries working together with other countries to deliver legislation on climate change, tackling the big problems of day to day society, giving workers rights abroad and at home, environmental protections, industry standards, the ERASMUS programme that allows young people to study across the continent. We’re giving all of that away!”