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Christine Grahame

Midlothian South Tweeddale & Lauderdale

Neil Gray

Airdrie and Shotts

Emma Harper

Emma Harper

South Scotland

Clare Haughey

Clare Haughey


Jamie Hepburn

Jamie Hepburn

Cumbernauld & Kilsyth

Fiona Hyslop

Fiona Hyslop


Bill Kidd

Bill Kidd

Glasgow Anniesland

Chris Law

Chris Law

Dundee West

Graham Leadbitter

Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey

Richard Lochhead

Richard Lochhead


Seamus Logan

Aberdeenshire North and Moray East

Gordon MacDonald

Gordon MacDonald

Edinburgh Pentlands

Fulton MacGregor

Fulton MacGregor

Coatbridge & Chryston

Rona Mackay

Rona Mackay

Strathkelvin and Bearsden

Ben Macpherson

Ben Macpherson

Edinburgh Northern & Leith

Ruth Maguire

Ruth Maguire

Cunninghame South

Gillian Martin

Gillian Martin

Aberdeenshire East

Michael Matheson

Michael Matheson

Falkirk West

Màiri McAllan


Ivan McKee

Ivan McKee

Glasgow Provan

Christina McKelvie

Christina McKelvie

Hamilton Larkhall & Stonehouse

Paul McLennan

East Lothian

Stuart McMillan

Stuart McMillan

Greenock and Inverclyde

Marie Mcnair

Clydebank and Milngavie

Jenni Minto

Argyll and Bute

Audrey Nicoll

Aberdeen South and North Kincardine

Brendan O’Hara

Argyll & Bute

Angus Robertson

Edinburgh Central